Years from now, when your baby towers over you, my keepsake newborn photos will remind you of those precious days. And you’ll be thankful you hired a premium newborn photographer.

How to Prepare For Newborn Baby Photoshoot Studio
Remember every minute of these special days for the rest of your life.
You will fall in love the moment you hold your newborn for the first time. Cherish the times when you can still see chipmunk cheeks, touch the wrinkly hands, and see the dreamy smiles. You will try to memorise every detail but it will be hard as they quickly grow. Before you knew it, one year has passed by.
As a mum and a photographer, I truly understand what it feels like, as it was not so long ago that I held my own baby in my arms. It was the most magical feeling that I can never describe with words.
Soon, it would soon be hard to remember the soft skin, sweet smell, and small sleepyhead that perfectly fit on your shoulder. I want to help you preserve those moments with my newborn photography.
And to make the session relax, fun, and enjoyable, please do not forget to bring a few clean diapers, swaddle, pacifier and your milk bottle.
Avoid chunky jewellery and watches to keep the baby safe and lessen the distractions. I have my own blankets, wraps, dainty headbands, and knit hats but I’ll understand if you want to bring your own newborn accessories.
But the most important preparation is not the accessories. Rather, it is booking ahead of time that will make a difference.
Please book your session at the beginning of your third trimester. Remember that the best poses for newborns can be done only if they are one to 14 days old. Infants ages 3 to 4 weeks can still be accommodated but we have to skip some poses.
When to Feed Your Baby Before The Photoshoot?
There is nothing cuter than a milk-drunk infant.
Newborns can be the hungriest creatures on earth. They frantically cry for milk. While I dedicate 2 hours for the newborn photo shoot, feeding and burping your baby 20 to 30 minutes before your session can assure less crying, better sleep, and relaxed parents. I give plenty of time to refuel your hungry angel so make sure that you bring an extra bottle if you use formula.
Relax Mum, Your Newborn Photographer Got This!
Your little babes can sense stress and anxiety.
It is vital to keep the environment calm during the session. Even if you are quiet, your baby will still know if you are tense.
This is why you have to choose an experienced newborn photographer. I know how much your newborn baby means to you and thus, I treat them royally. I am well-trained to do all the poses and how to carefully move them. But if they feel that you are fussy, then it will be hard to keep them asleep.
If there are things that make you uncomfortable during the session, please do not hesitate to tell me.